Saturday, May 17, 2008

Our Summer Lines!!!

We want to show off those summer lines we've been talking about!

First is our VBS or Vacation Bible School line. This is a line of appliqued t-shirts and matching capris and skirts. All have a Christian theme and are in some of the hottest colors and fabrics of the season. We are making a bunch of shirts, but never hesitate to request a custom design, color or set!

Second is our new line of boy board shorts. These are made in fun and funky prints with an adjustable elastic waist. We have also made an assortment of matching appliqued and embroidered shirts. Once again, let us know if you are looking for something special!

And last, our Patriotic colors!! This is the only one we have pictured, but there are more to come is a variety of patterns and styles. All have individual flair!

We love to sew....let us know!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Be the Change...

There is the quote, "Be the Change you want to see in the world." A profound statement, but how do you act on it? How do you make the changes, one step at a time?
Jori and I were at the Curry County Trade Days. We had our booth up and were talking to people. We have a knack for getting people to open up. A grandmother comes in and talks to us a bit and mentions that her granddaughter, Katie (4), is dying. She has terminal cancer, a very rare form of it. There is no hope. We are both brought to tears and said we would pray for Katie and the family. Her grnadmother then went and looked at our clothes. She spotted our Frog Princess dress and started to cry. Katie calls herself "Princess Froggie". They loved the dress, but looked at the price and couldn't do it that day.
Now that dress was complex and I loved it, but no matter how many craft fairs we went to, no matter how many people professed to loving it, it never ever sold or came close. There must have been a reason.
Jori and I share a brain and it made easier to make the split second decision. We pulled the dress from the hanger and bagged it and told them to take it. They all started crying. We started crying. We told them that they should give it to Katie and tell her she is loved. Katie's kidney's no longer function and she is on a constant morphine drip for the pain. She is in and out of conscience, but her grandmother thought this would make her happy. We can't be sure, but there is a chance that this is the last dress she will wear, this side of heaven.
It was an incredible moment. We reached out and touched a stranger and changed their life. We made the world better, but giving on little dress. It felt so good.
Katie, you are a lovely little Princess Froggie. Go forth and be unafraid and out of pain.
God Bless you.